topik Loot
 Sziasztok!Valaki eltudná magyarázni nekem részletesen mi is a lootolás lényege? Nem tudom felhúzni a karakterem ilvl-jét. Pedig elég sokat játszok, de egyszerűen nem ad be új cuccokat!
Perseus - 2348 napja
topik wow_ft_32705
qinqshuh - 2416 napja
topik wow_ft_32704
Samantha Fraser - 2418 napja
topik wow_ft_32703
Samantha Fraser - 2418 napja
topik wow_ft_32702
Samantha Fraser - 2418 napja

139 hozzászólás

Hmmmm about that raid timer revision thingie:

is this bad or good?

MC will be 2 day longer ( dont rly care about MC thou ) :P
7 days for bwl will be good, can try more, + time for each boss ....BUT loose 2 days compared the the current system every week =>less epix.

So after 1.9 our raid scheudle will be

wednesday: all insta reset , clear mc.1-8+ maybe ony.+ zg1 bossmaybe
thu: BWL
fri BWL
sat: zg+ "holiday"
sun: rag+ razorgore + vael
mon - tue- BWL till reset.

AHn quiray ? when? :Dmaybe we should give mc up. :P

Gnomeregan Exile
243 hozzászólás

Hehe, nice story. I have learnt to fear the wrath of holy, and my only luck is, that there are no paladins on horde side :)

Grats to everyone for Vael kill. Nice job :)

Has anyone seen the trailer of Spellforce 2? Auch, I need that game :)

S erre, arra, egészen mindegy,
Hogy merre tartunk,
Kit csönd, kit nagy zaj vár a parton
S elsüllyedünk, ha nincsen partunk.
Gnomeregan Exile
187 hozzászólás

Yeah baby :D We rocked Vael :D yeeeeeaaaaahhhh :D

Ok boys & girls, now comes an exciting story, starring a priest, a paladin & the power of HOLY!

After Vael was killed & left for dead, Care & I were in Burning Steppes, where we slaughtered some helpless elite dragons. While we were doing this Care said: "Look out, 2 horde behind us". I was just tanking this dragon & Care was SW:P-ing & Smiting the dragon, but I looked back & there they were. Luckily the dragon was now dead, but the 2 horde were approaching. They had never heard of the power of HOLY before.... Poor them....

The warrior charged Care, who bravely threw a SW:P on him, after I stunned the guy. I went after the hunter, who ran away thinking he was in for some easy kill. He sent his pet after me, whose dps had trouble penetrating my 9k+ of armor (heeeehaaw!). Meanwhile the warrior tried to kick Care's ass, but Care used the power of HOLY to heal himself. I threw a BoP on Care, which confused the warrior, because ZOMG TEH DPS THEY IZ NOT WORKING!!11212`` :P Care kept SW:Paining & Smiting & whatnotting the warrior & hunter. After a valliant battle however, my healing proved too slow & Care traded the actual for the eternal... /cry...

I was down to nearly no HP, the warrior & hunter were both at about half hp & the hunter had quite some mana left. However, I had access to the power of HOLY! So, I did a nice crit heal & saved my ass, while keeping what was left of my mana (not that much, cause I had been a noob & had not cleansed the hunters mana-sucking thingee properly). However, I called upon the HOLY mana-regen & was soon getting some mana back. Now time to kick some ass (& chew bubblegum)....

So, I go after the warrior, using BoJ, judging it & resealing. I throw in a Holy Shield & turned on retri aura (had devo to start with, then concentration when I was healing). The SW:P was nearly gone, but still sucked away at the HPs of these guys. The poor warrior was slowly succumbing to the combined forces of the late Care & my retri aura, SoJ & Holy Shield. I threw in a small heal to stay alive & the warrior hit himself to pieces on my shield. By now the poor hunter was !@#$ing his pants & he started to run. He had just met the power of HOLY and he did not like it....

So, he tried slowing me > BoF gg > swiftness pot gg > here I come to save the daaaaay :P and after a long battle with some BoFs etc, the hunter also bited the dust :D Then I cursed the day I was not recording this, cause it was SUPERAWESOME & I was trembling in my chair.

This last part sounds like I did all the work, but I could have never done it without Care. /cheer He must have done half of the damage, but I was just so slow in doing the rest that what I did looked like a cool battle ;)

But it was so awesome, cause those hunter & warrior did not dare to rezz :D They had seen what we could do :D Whehehehehe, I felt extremely dangerous >:) Poor guys :D But really, a arms/fury warrior & BM hunter losing from a holy priest & paladin... whahahahahaha, we must have super-skill :D Wheeeee, I feel dangerous :D

//Disclaimer: I know my class, but feel that I am a noob at PvP, so I am just extremely enthousiastic because of this ;) Please don't corpsecamp me ^^ And yes, I like to sheild-hearth when I have no chance & was planning on leaving anyway. And no, I would never leave a teammate to save my own life :)

And for the record, I know that HOLY isn't a noun ;)

On a fully different note > que?

In 1.9, the way raid timers are handled will undergo a significant change. The new system will have all instances reset at a certain server time, regardless of when you were actually saved to the instance. The reset times are as follows:

Molten Core: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance.

Blackwing Lair: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance

Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (40-man): Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance

Onyxia: Every 5 Days

Zul'Gurub: Every 3 Days

Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (20-man): Every 3 Days

The resets, if not during weekly maintenance, are planned to occur during off-hours when the least amount of raids are active. We plan on implementing a calendar of sorts on the website to help you better plan out your particular raid schedule. There are many reasons why this particular approach was chosen; we've gone over a multitude of options and felt that this change would be best in the long run.

As the reset time approaches (<24 hours til the reset, I believe), if you are in the instance, you will be informed of the impending reset every hour on the hour. 15 minutes before the reset, the reminders become more frequent; once the reset time is reached, all players in the instance will be ported to their bind point. You can access your saved raid status at any time via /raidinfo, and you will be informed of your status regarding an instance when you zone into the dungeon.

We know that this change is a major one for raiding guilds; we've done our utmost to make the reset times as convenient as possible for the majority of our players. All saved instances will be reset when 1.9 goes live to accommodate this change.

Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall
36 hozzászólás


Gnomeregan Exile
187 hozzászólás

VAEL DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Mókaficek / LVL 70 Gnome Mage / Bloodscalp
Defias Thief
48 hozzászólás

Grat Page :)) Pala ütni nagyot :)....

Lanura lvl 60 Rogue
Dinin lvl 60 Warrior
Ineedmana lvl 60 Mage Call me Tomi kthxbye
Gnomeregan Exile
154 hozzászólás
Eksz wrote:
Grat Page, végre teljesült az álom!


Azóta szegény annyit duellezett, mint eddig soha. :D

Mindenki szeretné beveretni a fejét egy legendary kalapáccsal.

13 hozzászólás

Grat Page, végre teljesült az álom!


Kyrea - Human Loladina Lvl 60 - EoE
Eksz - NE Hunter Lvl 60 -EoE
of the Shattered Sun
4740 hozzászólás

Congrats to Page, now go pwn some horde :P

139 hozzászólás

LOoooool :D

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